The Journey To Happy: How Embracing the Concept that NOTHING IS WRONG Can Transform Your Life
Do you want to get happy? Find happiness in every area of your life by taking The Journey To Happy Has it felt like happiness has eluded you? If so, maybe it’s time for you to take The Journey to Happy. Get all the tools you need for every area of your life, by learning about and embracing the concept that “Nothing Is Wrong”. Using the 9 Stepping Stones, you’ll be able to turn every area of your life around in 30 days – your work, your money, your body, your love relationship, your concept of yourself, your relationships with other people, even how you think about the world. Are you ready to walk the path? In The Journey to Happy, Debra Stangl, founder of Sedona Soul Adventures, recounts how she went from being an unhappy, stressed out divorce attorney who was $50K in debt and 40 pounds overweight … to happy, blessed with financial abundance, down to her ideal weight (in 5 weeks - without dieting!) and doing the work of her dreams with Sedona Soul Adventures. Then she gives you the tools – the 9 Stepping Stones – to take you from unhappy to ecstatic in every area of your life