Kingdom Mandate
If Jesus tarries, by the year 2050 the world population is projected to be 9.6 billion people. That means many of you who are reading this book will be alive to see it. The children and youth that are part of our church today are those who are supposed to reach these 9.6 billion people with the gospel. Do you think they are being prepared for such an enormous task? I don't think they are. For many, their passion is for anything else but Jesus Christ. Who is to blame for this?God gave me a plan, and if applied we can win any nation for God without conducting a single crusade, healing rally, street witnessing plan, or any other traditional method in use today. This will be accomplished through administering the kingdom of God. That means if we are diligent and apply the principles written in this book, and in The Power and Authority of the Church, we will see nations coming to the Lord. That has been the Lord's desire from the very beginning. It does not have to be a far-fetched dream somewhere out there; this is something you can see with your own eyes in your lifetime.Aren't you tired of doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result? Do you want to be part of what God is doing on the earth right now?