The Militaristic Prophet's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Exceptional Apostolic Leadership Appointment of the Classified ... Warfare and Spiritual Militaristic Operations
The Militaristic Prophet's Handbook is a Comprehensive Guide to the Exceptional Apostolic Leadership Appointment of the Militaristic Prophet's Mantle Classification, Advanced Spiritual Warfare, and Spiritual Militaristic Operations.This Handbook has been written as a tool for the training and education of the prophet of militaristic classification as those who are called to exceptional apostolic leadership, front line spiritual warfare, and spiritual militaristic operations. You will be equipped for this end-time dispensation as you learn how to recognize the strategies of your spiritual adversary and not just his character. This book will serve to treat the militaristic prophets' mantle and aid in the preparation for assignments, mandates, and heighten the awareness of this classification's presence, authority, and jurisdictional rule in the earth.