Streamline: How To Create Healthy Church Systems
You are confident of your calling. You are leading a church with an important mission. You’ve got a carefully worded vision statement, a set of core values, and leaders who say they want to make it happen. But does it feel like you’re not making any real progress? Does it feel like you’re stuck solving the same problems over and over again? Does it seem that you’re always talking about potential, or tomorrow, or after the next hire? After twenty years in ministry, I’ve learned that passion isn’t enough. You can have a clear mission, but without organization you won’t get everyone moving in the right direction. You can preach the vision, but if you don’t have a clear path ready for people, your vision talk will be just talk. I bet you don’t have a mission problem, or a facility problem, or even a volunteer problem. I know it’s trendy to talk multi-site, and popular to run a 40 day campaign. New service times, new programs, and new websites are like candy that captures attention in the checkout aisle. But it’s likely these aren’t the issues holding you back. You can start new services and hire a branding company to create a new website, and in three years from now you’ll likely be in the same place. That’s because you’re knee deep in a system problem. Streamline will help you create and implement healthy systems across all the departments in your church. You'll create alignment with your team and build focus into your ministries. You'll know what's working and why. Each short chapter focuses on one system you can create or improve. You'll walk away with actionable ideas ready to execute. Streamline will help you organize your church around the important mission.