The Red Folder: Private Lessons on the Practice of Hoodoo
* Divination and Seership with Crystal Balls,
* Pendulums, and Numerology Conjure Spells for Money, Love, Protection, and Luck
* Cursing, Break-Up, and Hot Foot Tricks to Drive Off Enemies
* The Secrets of Conjure Cookery and Traditional Herbal Medicine
* Candle Magic, Spell Sigils, and Petition Papers in the Hoodoo Tradition
* How to Make Your Own Mojo Hands, Sachet Powders, and Packet Charms
The Red Folder, an oversized 8 1/2" x 11", 136-page book, collects and reprints all of the flyers and extracts from the books we gave to attendees at the Hoodoo Heritage Festival workshops from 2014 through 2019. It is the sequel, and perfect companion to, The Black Folder, which collected 20 years' worth of Lucky Mojo shop flyers and hand-outs for workshops at the annual Hoodoo Heritage Festival from 2008 through 2013.