Good Taste: How What You Choose Defines Who You Are
What do professional wrestling, Pot Noodle and Feng Shui have in common? Well, not much - but they all appear in this book. Critic and cultural philosopher Peter Trifonas and art historian Effie Balomenos explore the curious concept of good - and bad - taste. At once an absurd and yet entirely everyday concept, taste defines us. Our choices, from the most personal (our friends or lovers) to the most general (our politics), are all partly dependent on it. But where does taste come from? Is there a true standard of taste? Are we slaves to the cruel whims of fashion? Who's in control? Good Taste is an enthralling exploration of the cultural history of an idea. In this enticing book - divided into chapters exploring cultural artefacts of absolutely all kinds - Trifonas and Balomenos warn: you are what you choose! Highlights include: TV chefs * Ozzy Osbourne and Reality TV * The 70s fashion conspiracy * Disney * Madonna * Lamborghini * The history of cleavage * High heels * Elvis * Body piercing * Hip-hop * Oprah Winfrey * Ageing rock bands * Turn-ups * Harry Potter * Fake tans and much, much more ...