What Clients Really Want (And The S**t That Drives Them Crazy): The Essential Insider's Guide for Advertising Agencies on How Account Management Can Create Great Client/Agency Relationships
What Clients Really Want (And The S**t That Drives Them Crazy) is the essential insider’s guide for advertising agencies on how account management can create great client/agency relationships. The first book on client/agency relationships to be written an ex-client, this book gives a true insider’s guide as to how account management can stop client/agency relationships from breaking down and take those relationships from good to great. In this step-by-step guide you will discover: • What simple actions you can take today to generate great relationships with your clients. • How to gain a deeper understanding of the pressures your clients face and why this is so important. • Practical day-to-day advice on how to master positive relationship building behaviours. • The strong re-occurring themes that cause client relationships to fall apart and how you can avoid them by applying; o The 9 essential behaviours to prevent damage to the client/agency relationship. o The 5 essential behaviours to take your client/agency relationships from good to great. "This will be gold dust for client-servicing professionals… it's a great reminder of what you need to do to build a brilliant relationship with your clients and how to be a true partner. It’s so important that you get to know them and care for their business and this book shows you what you need to do." Rick Kumar, Owner & Director, Moda Consult (Specialist Recruitment for Creative Agencies)