Badgered to Death: The People and Politics of the Badger Cull: Introduction by Chris Packham
Dominic Dyer explores the science and electioneering behind Britain's most controversial wildlife policy: the badger cull.
He exposes the catastrophic handling of bovine TB by the British government, the political manoeuvring that engineered the badger cull in 2010, and the ongoing close relationship in perpetuating the cull between the National Farmers Union and the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
He shines an unflattering spotlight on Cabinet ministers, the veterinary profession, environmental NGOs and the BBC.
Foreword by Chris Packham, BBC Springwatch presenter
'A thriller, whodunnit and impassioned polemic, this is the inside story of the badger cull.
'A vital must-read for anyone concerned about the badger's enduring place in the British countryside.'
(Patrick Barkham, nature writer for The Guardian.)
It should be read by all those battling against government policies that put money ahead of science and the environment. Our natural world is too important to be over-ridden in this way.
Dyer... pays tribute to the 'Badger Army', those many individuals from all walks of life who turned out to protest and importantly, once culling started, to protect the badgers out in the field.
Badgered to Death is for them because it tells them just why they must keep fighting the culls. It will convince any reader how very wrong and ineffective the culls will prove to be.
(Lesley Docksey, The Ecologist)
I enjoyed reading this book and I strongly recommend it to you.
If you sign up to the main message of the book, that these culls are a waste of money, a waste of Badgers and at best a partial and inefficient way to reduce bovine TB then you will be hopping mad right now and reading this book won't calm you down, it will energise you.
(Mark Avery,
Table of Contents
Preface: Chris Packham
1. A Black and White Night Page 13
2. Woven into the Landscape 19
3. A Disease of Cattle 23
4. New Labour 31
5. Gordon Brown Vetoes a Cull 39
6. Cameron’s Cull 47
7. Wildlife over Business 61
8. Awkward Facts 69
9. The Badger Army 79
10. Green Movement Fails the Badger 93
11. Defended by Amateurs 105
12. BBC Bias 119
13. Illegal Culls 129
14. TB Burgers 141
15. Owen Paterson 149
16. Vets’ Dilemma 157
17. Cost of the Cull 167
18. Farming Future 177
19. Fate of the Badger 187
Badger Voices 195
Index 228
The Author 240