Living In The Freedom Frequency: Raise Your Vibration and Live Above the Line
Did you know that your personal and spiritual growth contributes to the evolution of humanity? Do you feel you are being called to be more and live more purposefully? You have two choices in how you live your life. You can live below the line in the realm of fear where worry, stress, doubt, and the many negative states of mind can sabotage your relationships, your career and your dreams. Or you can live your life above the line in the vibrations of joy, fulfillment, love, and soul-inspired purpose. The choice is yours. This book shows you a powerful and evolutionary way to view your mind, emotions, relationships and your life. I will show you how to release your fear-based mind and transform those inner voices which tell you, you're not good enough, smart enough or unworthy of love and abundance. By embracing your Divine Mind, the Universal Intelligence inside of you, you raise your vibration to reclaim your power as a Divine Human Being. If you are ready to live a heart-centered life free of drama and stress, then The Freedom Frequency is a book you will want to read.