Mental Health and Student Conduct Issues on the College Campus: A Reading
This book is an omnibus of articles about the topics of mental health and student conduct issues on the college campus. The concepts, strategies, and principles discussed in these articles are especially relevant to college administrators, counselors, and instructors. 1) Practical Strategies for Dealing with Disruptive Students. 2) Due Process Procedures for Disruptive Students. 3) Organizing a Campus Mental Health Program. 4) The Role of Humor in Counseling Students. 5) Crisis-oriented Counseling. 6) Multicultural Counseling. 7) An Analysis of Classroom Censorship. It is common among college students to experience personal crises that disrupt their ability to adjust and capably learn in the college environment. This book provides important information regarding the organizing and implementation of college mental health and counseling services that are essential to such students. As well, a significant number of colleges must each year deal with students who are grossly or persistently disruptive. Several articles in this book provide practical information -- principles, interventions and perspectives -- that are essential for dealing with such students.