Clandestine America: Selected Writings on Conspiracies From the Nazi "Surrender" to Dallas, Watergate, and Beyond
As conspiracy theories reach a heady roil in today's globally networked environment, Carl Oglesby's political work offers context and sheds new light upon what may prove to be the mother of all conspiracy theories: "The Secret Ending of World War II," the ramifications of which have echoed throughout modern American history, from the Kennedy assassination to Watergate and potentially through to the bitter partisanship of 2020 America.\nCombining selections of Oglesby's work on his political awakening, deep state conspiracies of the Kennedy assassination and Watergate, and a previously-unpublished work proposing a shocking secret ending to World War II, Clandestine America invites and motivates readers, scholars and political thinkers to identify a through line-and to question authority, dig deeper, and either refute or validate Oglesby's horrifying findings.