Define Decaf: Lessons From a Highly Caffeinated Young Adult
I realized two important things when I graduated college. I had roughly 19, 345 days left on the planet. And I couldn't pay the next month's rent. Have you ever had one of those seasons? Where nothing goes right and the path to the future seems uncertain? I know, me too. They can be pretty dark times. Although not fun, they can lead to some teachable moments. Life can be hard. Mostly because we can't all be Taylor Swift's best friend and the price of coffee keeps going up. I wish I was kidding, but this is reality, people. I've learned sometimes you have to give up everything to chase the one thing in life that could be the meaning of your existence. You'll never know until you take a chance. The first step is changing out of your yoga pants and braving the often cruel and cold world. That's where I come in. Can I buy you a cup of coffee? Let's chat.