The House on Creep Street (Fright Friends Adventures)
Twelve-year-old Joey Tonelli is a Halloween fanatic, so when his best friends Kevin and Barry tell him a few days before the spooky holiday that they are "too old" for trick-or-treating, he is devastated. Desperate to get his two killjoy friends into the Halloween spirit, he dares them to go inside that scary abandoned house on Creep Street-the house all the kids in town think is haunted. Well, the kids in town are right: the house really is haunted-by the malevolent ghost of Bob Smah, a young boy who died many years before under mysterious circumstances. Reborn as an angry spirit, Bob is determined to destroy anyone who sets foot in his home. Despite the horror that Bob unleashes upon The Fright Friends, they become determined to help free the dead boy's trapped spirit. Will The Fright Friends successfully free Bob Smah from the House on Creep Street, or will they end up as ghosts themselves? Find out for yourself when it all goes down on Halloween night.