1582 Rheims New Testament Modern Typeset Large Print Edition
The first classic Catholic translation of the New Testament in English was smuggled into Britain by persecuted Elizabethan Catholics more than four hundred years ago.
The original text (very different from the substantial rewrite by Bishop Challoner), has been out of print for nearly a century. It is reissued with a new introduction by historian Michael Hoffman, in a word-for-word reprint of the first edition of 1582, reset in modern type and orthography, enlarged for ease of reading, study and devotion.
The 1582 Rheims scrupulously privileged primary sources, principally the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome according to extant Renaissance manuscripts. It is the neglected magnum opus of the English Counter-Reformation.
There are multiple New Testaments titled Rheims, or the true 1582 Rheims. Ours is the only edition published that faithfully reprints the text from 1582 in large print, modern spelling and type, in a quality softcover.