Making College Happen: The Realities of Coping With College Costs
This is a unique publication that presents honest and insightful information about effectively dealing with the emotional and financial realities of making a college education possible. It will help you and your loved ones to gain a more realistic understanding of the requirements, choices and opportunities for addressing the following areas of concern: - How to manage your emotions - Who can help you? - How to avoid your own horror stories - Is a college education worth it? - How to make the most of your campus visits - The pros and cons of investments - How financial aid forms work - Ways to land a scholarship - How to understand different loans - How to appeal a financial aid award - How to benefit from tax relief and loan forgiveness programs Howard R. Freedman has been a financial aid consultant and president of Financial Aid Consulting for over a decade helping to make college affordable for students from all economic backgrounds throughout the US and Canada.