A Stopinder Anthology
This volume presents choice selections from Stopinder, David Kher¬dian's original, groundbreaking "Gurdjieff Journal for our Time."
Stopinder was brought into existence by a need which came from beyond any of the participants, for a forum where the second-genera¬tion of what we might call the Gurdjieff tradition (Beelzebub's grandchildren) could show and share. This current from the beyond enriched them as they voluntarily offered and conformed their efforts in service of this on-sweeping, magisterial demand for conscious contemporary manifestation, adapted to the needs of a person, time and place.
Contributing Authors to this volume include: Joseph Azize, Harry Bennett, Anthony Blake, Steve Brault, Pierce Butler, Keith Buzzell, Kamori Cattadoris, Jean Cavendish, Wim Van Dulleman, Bob Engel, Seymour Ginsberg, Irv Givot, Jane Madeline Gold, Jim Gomez, Marvin Grossman, Nonny Hogrogian Kherdian, David Kherdian, Barrett McMaugh, Will Mesa, Ed Pejack, Lynn Quirolo, DeWayne Rail, Allen Roth, John Scullion, Bob Silber, Toddy Smyth, Kristina Turner, Sophia Wellbeloved, John Anthony West.