Inside Jihad: How Radical Islam Works, Why It Should Terrify Us, How to Defeat It
Why has radical Islam become such a deadly threat? And why does it dominate the Muslim world? A quarter-century ago, Tawfik Hamid was recruited into Jamaa Islamiya, a terror group led by Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the man who replaced Osama bin Laden to become the leader of al-Qaeda. Eventually and miraculously, Dr. Hamid recognized the insidious nature of violent jihad and rejected its distortions of the Quran, the holy book of the Muslim faith. Ever since, he has pursued a path of reformation within Islam by writing new interpretations of the book’s key texts and by sharing his message in mosques. Inside Jihad reveals Dr. Hamid’s insights about the Islamic terror movement drawn from his personal experiences. As a medical doctor and a psychologist, he helps readers understand the jihadist mindset. He also explains the meaning of jihad and the role that sex, petrodollars and the hijab for women play in its proliferation. And he details his bold plan for Islamic reformation that would eventually change the minds of jihadists and stop their reign of terror.