Dialogues with Myself and My Others
Poetry. Latino/Latina Studies. Translated from the Spanish by Jonathan Tittler. "In DIALOGUES WITH MYSELF AND OTHERS, Isaac Goldemberg's language, singularly, both refers to life's great universal themes and does so with remarkable fluidity. The most refined irony and humor dwell therein, acting as a highly effective means of provoking reflection on the human condition, a primary nucleus of meaning in his poetic oeuvre. One of the most original poets of our time, he is endowed with an extraordinary gift with words, and these are placed at the service of a humanism that withstands all tests."—Luis Benítez
"Utilizing the technique of collage and decoupage, the poetic voices in these poems experiment with distance and proximity, resembling the work of a photographer's lense, focusing and distorting at will the images before him to bring about new ones hidden within."—Julio Ortega
"Isaac Goldemberg's poetry is from the beginning invested in creating meaning. The strength of his poems, the contraction of his images is bedazzling."—Raúl Zurita