A Hero Rises: Moroni & the Battle for Manti
Moroni and the Battle for Manti introduces readers to Captain Moroni and how at an early age he came to command a large army in a time of extreme national danger. We follow him through tragedy and triumph, helping all readers to gain a deeper understanding of why Mormon said of him, If all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever (Alma 48:17). Youth and adults will be inspired by the courageous examples of Captain Moroni, Teancum, Captain Lehi and the other Christian heroes in this book. These were real men, facing real challenges. They overcame adversity by obedience to God, and fought to defend their faith, families, and freedom. The exciting battle scenes and storyline will fascinate readers both young and old with intricate combat details, mature characters and emotional and spiritual dilemmas. Because of the author s experience as a paratrooper, narcotics detective, SWAT team leader and bodyguard he has infused the scriptural story with a wealth of details from his own experience in war.