The Love Fight: How Achievers & Connectors Can Build A Marriage That Lasts (AdventHealth Press)
Divorce is epidemic among successful, "high-powered" people. Doctors, lawyers, executives, politicians and entrepreneurs often attain career success only to fail at home in their family relationships. What gives? Has success changed them? Or, have they been secretly waiting to exit when the time is right? Did they ever love their spouses?
In The Love Fight, Drs. Tony Ferretti and Peter Weiss explain how worldly successful individuals fail at home in their intimate relationships, often from a mismatch of priorities and styles between the success-oriented "Achievers" and their relationship-oriented "Connector" spouses. This Achiever mindset is common in highly successful people of all social classes, perhaps especially so in America where such success is lionized and top CEOs are considered heroes.
As opposites attract and Achievers meet and marry Connectors, the very same personality traits that propelled the Achiever to the top in medicine, law, business or politics (and which may have attracted a more relationship-oriented partner in the first place) often sow the seeds of destruction in their marriage. These traits, and the differences between Achievers and Connectors, can create a dynamic of poor communication leading to anger, resentment, and eventual estrangement.
Achiever or Connector, The Love Fight is a book that will help you understand your spouse and yourself better. It's easy-to-read and understand style, simple assessments and exercises to evaluate your relationship, and straightforward strategies can help you develop an action plan to create the marriage you want.