Devourer of Souls
“Reminds me of Stephen King's NIGHT SHIFT era and other similar horror stories. Kevin Lucia shows signs of the same inventiveness and creativity as King...Lucia is a talented author and deserves more recognition among horror readers.” —Seregil of Rhiminee,
“A deftly layered and original tale of cosmic horror...for some supernatural shivers and true monsters, you’d do well to give Devourer of Souls a read.” —Mary SanGiovanni, Author of The Hollower and Thrall
WELCOME TO CLIFTON HEIGHTS, an average Adirondack town. It's nice enough, really. Except after dark. Or on cold winter days when you're all alone...
Sophan. An ancient game of chance and Fate. One boy's smoldering hate, another boy's need to make things right, and a father's ghosts of Vietnam past. These are the key players in this latest tale of revenge and reparation performed on the stage of the strange Adirondack town of Clifton Heights, NY.
The Man in Yellow. Tahawus is a small, isolated Adirondack town just north of Clifton Heights. A quiet place filled with simple people of an ardent faith, nothing much ever happens there...until the man in yellow comes calling. He knows your worst nightmares, and he can offer your fondest wish. All you need is faith...and a mouth from which to scream.