Test Design: A BBST Workbook
Test Design, third in the BBST workbook series, supports students and self-studiers who want a context-driven introduction to black box software testing. Used in parallel with the instructional materials provided at the Center for Software Testing Education and Research (testingeducation.org/BBST), the workbook introduces students to a broad array of test design techniques. Subsequent courses and workbooks will focus on one technique each, allowing time for tasks that build a deeper knowledge and skill with each technique. This core provides a foundation. The course introduces you to: • many techniques at a superficial level (what the technique is); • a few techniques at a practical level (how to do it); • ways to mentally organize this collection of techniques; • using the the Heuristic Test Strategy Model for test planning and design: and • using concept mapping tools for test planning. Any of these techniques can be applied in a scripted way or an exploratory way.