Catskill Trails
The completely new fourth edition of Catskill Trails has just arrived! This up-to-date and accurate guidebook is the sixth volume in ADK's new Forest Preserve Series of guidebooks. Catskill Trails covers countless hiking opportunities within the 300,000 acres of the Catskill Park. Like all of ADK's guidebooks in the new Forest Preserve Series, Catskill Trails is a go-to guide for complete information on rules and regulations, directions for accessing trailheads, mileage, elevation gains, and navigational information. Each trail within the guidebook has been numbered to indicate its location on the corresponding National Geographic Trails Illustrated Map 755 which covers the entire Catskill Park. This must have hiker's guidebook and map can be purchased separately or can be purchased together as a Catskill Trails Map Pack (a savings of $4.95).