Republic in Triumph: Jessie's America (An American Saga)
Richard Fitchen’s “An American Saga,” is a five-part series planned to travel through American history across several generations of two families: the progressive, mixed-race LaBarres and the Camerons, a ruthless clan sworn to oppose and thwart the LaBarres at every turn—including murder. In Republic in Triumph, indomitable and courageous attorney Jessie LaBarre guides American business and government to cooperative greatness as an advisor to presidents. She spurs the growth of civil liberties, labor relations, women’s rights, and collective security; and she paves the way for a revolutionary culture of automobiles and airplanes. Readers of this historical novel meet leading men and women of the tumultuous decades from Theodore Roosevelt to Lyndon Johnson. Subversive and racist Cameron men plot to destroy Jessie and her family. She wins convictions against some, but a ruthless new generation of enemies extract a terrible price.