Rocket Robinson and the Pharaoh's Fortune
Set in Egypt in the 1930s, this graphic novel adventure story follows the exploits of 12-year-old adventurer Rocket Robinson who, along with his monkey sidekick, tries to unravel the mystery of a hidden, ancient treasure located somewhere in the city of Cairo. Along the way he befriends Nuri, a gypsy girl who shows him the secrets of Cairo’s subterranean world. But before long they encounter master criminal Otto von Stürm and his bloodthirsty henchmen, who will stop at nothing to find the treasure before our heroes. Fans of classic adventure storytelling at any age will love seeing the streets of Cairo brought to life in these lively, vibrant pages, while young fans of ancient Egypt will immediately be drawn in by the references to hieroglyphics, mummies, pyramids, and pharaoh’s tombs. Designed for beginning to intermediate readers, the story is free of inappropriate language, gender, or ethnic stereotypes as well as violent images, so it’s truly for comic fans of all ages. But don’t worry—it’s still packed with action, danger, and plenty of fun!