In Another Time: A Southern Family During the Great War, 1914-1918
Set during the First World War, William Breedlove Martin's IN ANOTHER TIME is the intense drama of the Lansdownes, a big, well-to-do family in a small Southern town. As the brothers Laurence and Victor leave for the front as fighter pilots, their overbearing father, Buck, and the five Lansdowne women, are left to face the uncertainly and the fear of a world, and a family, at war. Some of these women, such as Miss Cordelia, the mother of the two aviators, are devastated by their anguish, while others, such as Della, the beautiful new wife of the domineering Laurence, find strength and redemption in their struggles. The excitement and the terrors of war, the upheavals of a changing culture, and the conflicts of nine family members within and among themselves are woven into a compelling and uplifting story of courage, endurance, acceptance, and love.