The Epic of God: A Guide to Genesis
1st Place, 2014 CSPA Book Awards
1st Place, 2012 Christian Choice Book Awards
Silver, 2013 Readers' Favorite Book Awards
"Exchange your fear for faith. Surrender your story to the divine Author."
Genesis is a book of beginnings. It introduces us to several biblical themes, including God's authorship of life. In a world that blames the Creator for disasters and credits luck or karma for life s blessings, God s people need reminding that he is crafting a wondrous story of redemption and grace. Within Genesis, we are called to play the part of faithful children so that we might overcome this world and inherit the one to come. In God's story, we discover how to live out our own. The Epic of God will guide you passage-by-passage through the book of Genesis in hopes of deepening your trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Every Guide to God's Word from Start2Finish Books...
- Employs an engaging, easy-to-read style
- Discusses key terms and ideas
- Explains cultural & historical details
- Contains points of application to close out each chapter
- Possesses a balanced, reverent view of Scripture
- Is based on the English Standard Version (ESV)