German Armor (TANKART)
TA4 is in Rinaldi's familiar and unique size of 8.5" x 9.5", at 224-pages in length. The soft-touch matt laminated cover utilizes our functional Lay-Flat Binding process, which allows the book to open and stay flat on the workbench. The layout graphics will be a further evolution of the current TA style, and the two all-new Technique chapters are focused on Technique Proficiency, and Winter Whitewash finishes in all three major scales of 1/72, 1/48 and 1/35 as it relates to German Armor. The model chapters (all in 1/35) follow and will feature a Tiger II, Grille Ausf. M, a very unique Nashorn PanzerJaeger, and a Sturm 33B. The guest author chapter by Mario Eens will showcase his superb Char B1 bis in captured Beutepanzer form. These 5 model chapters will cover camo schemes from all periods, including Panzer Gray in both summer and winter, 3-tone camo on zimmerit, and the trickier hard-edge and disc camo schemes.