The Secret Lives of Sex Workers
My motivation for writing this book started long before meeting men and women in the sex industry. Like many people, I was curious. I wondered how they came to be involved in that industry in the first place. What made these people take up a way of life frowned on by most levels of society? I wanted to know why these workers became involved and what their jobs actually included. After talking to a few sex workers, I decided to embark on a journey to find out more. I collected the interviews from face-to-face, phone and internet meetings with women and men in the industry (mainly from Australia, but also internationally) who were generous enough to share their stories. The process of gathering my sources and finding people to interview was trying at times and, with due respect, occasionally contact was difficult. Some workers in the industry just wouldn't talk to me. On the other hand, through these interviews, I met many beautiful personalities. Their hearts are loving, caring and kind, their laughter enough to cheer anyone. I found the life stories you are about to read fascinating and I hope reading this book intrigues and surprises you, as much as it did me.