The Graded Motor Imagery Handbook
The Graded Motor Imagery (GMI) Handbook details a novel three-stage synaptic exercise process for neuropathic pain that progresses in graded and monitored steps using left/right discrimination, imagined movements and mirror therapy. Exploring the representation of body parts in our brains and how they may be affected by injury, GMI aims to alter pain neurotags or sensitive networks in the brain.
Arising from 15 years of neuroscience, clinical trials and clinical reasoning science, the handbook explains the process with patient-therapist narratives and a practical tutorial on getting the best of the online program, smart phone app and other GMI tools. Use in conjunction with the NOI Mirrorbox Triangle and NOI Recognise Flash Cards for optimum results.
Written by Dr. G. Lorimer Moseley, Dr. David Butler, Timothy B. Beames and Thomas J. Giles. Illustrated. Softcover; 143 pages.