Sound Bites from Silence: Scouting Reports from the Frontier of Consciousness
"One day, I was taken by a stunning stillness, and without resistance I disappeared into Silence. It was more than an epiphany, more than grace, more than mystical union: It was my soul's homecoming, my heart's overflowing love, and my mind's eternal peace. In the world of Silence, my twin questions - the ones that had grown within me as renegade cells - dissolved and disappeared. In Silence, I felt my core identity, my essential nature, as a unity-in-love with all existence. I experienced freedom clarity, and joy as being intrinsic qualities of my authentic self. I realized I lived in time and eternity. I was composed of physical matter and spiritual energy in equal measure. I was born in New York City at the same instant I appeared 20 billion years ago, unfathomably and impossibly far away, as a sibling to trillions of suns."