The Spark, the Flame, and the Torch:Inspire Self. Inspire Others. Inspire the World.
The Spark, the Flame, and the Torch is Lance Secretan's masterwork, representing 35 years of intellectual property which he calls Higher Ground Leadership® developed through his research, client engagements, coaching and teaching experience. He has integrated his philosophy into a unified theory of inspired leadership. It is broad, effective, and extraordinarily inspiring, offering a comprehensive approach to being an inspiring person and therefore an inspiring and transformational leader. In this brilliant work readers are presented with radical ideas about why organizations continue to labor with ineffective methods that achieve ineffective results, and how to replace these methods with new thinking. He invites us to rethink: 1) the role of modern organizations 2) our personal contribution as leaders 3) the importance of meaning and fulfillment systems of performance management 4) the art of coaching 5) future visioning 6) building stronger personal relationships and teams 7) our definitions of leadership, and how to inspire more than motivate In his trademark style, Secretan combines case studies, experiences and clear examples from real people with whom he has consulted in world-class organizations and weaves them into simple, easily implementable concepts for inspiring individuals, teams, organizations or countries as well as friends and family. The book, together with the many free links on this website, offers a comprehensive system for raising the level of inspiration in any organization.