Impact With Wings: Stories to Inspire and Mobilize Women Angel Investors and Entrepreneurs
WILL YOU SETTLE FOR LEAVING HALF THE WORLD’S WEALTH ON THE TABLE? In a world where women’s capital remains underused, angel investing—providing money, human capital, and expertise for start-up or early-stage companies—offers a potent opportunity for women to impact the future. The authors—all seasoned players in the global business and investment community—share their personal stories and insiders’ insights in a clarion wake-up call intended to activate new women angel investors. Both inspirational and actionable, Impact With Wings is a unique book offering the necessary tools and information for evaluating whether angel investing is an appropriate financial asset class for you. Whether you’re a woman who wants to tap into your previously dormant financial clout or an entrepreneur—of any gender—who wants to understand the huge potential of women’s economic influence, Impact With Wings will inform, educate, and inspire you.