The Man Book: If you're interested in being a man...
This book is for males who never gave much thought to the question of manhood . . .. . . for males who falsely claim to be men, for males who would like to be men, for aging males who need to be more interested in complete manhood, and for all younger males who have noidea what a man is and can’t find a resource for clarification, simplicity, and guidance.This book is a positive effort. It’s not a lecture, an attempt to please you, mentor you, or entertain you. Think of it as a friendly intrusion centered on the wish to encourage rather than offend and contribute rather than alienate, criticize, orcondemn.So . . .Writing this book feels like wrapping a gift. I hope all the fragments and their numerous reiterations will encourage you to do the unwrap and explore what it really means to be a complete man.