Lekicha Tama: The Lulav and Esrog Buying Guide
Oh no--it's that time of year again! The hustle and bustle, the scrutinizing and haggling... it's time to buy your lulav and esrog. You thought you learned the pertinent halachos, but the shopping experience is still totally overwhelming. Is the esrog you're holding a mehudar? Your lulav isn't perfect, but is it kosher? At what point do your drooping, darkened aravos become posul?The answers to these and other questions are now at the tips of your fingers. Lekicha Tama, the Lulav and Esrog Buying Guide, holds your hand as you pass through the marketplace confronting these and other questions. With a wealth of information presented in an engaging style, and clear photographs to illustrate its points, this sefer can provide even an advanced student with insights into the pertinent halachos.About the series:The Tekufas Hashanah series provides a refreshing, hands-on approach to certain mitzvos that have not been easily accessible to the layman. The books are distinguished by the clarity of their language, their down-to-earth style, the beauty of their photography, their eye-catching layout, and most of all their purpose: the demystification of mitzvos that people might otherwise be hesitant to approach. The reader, led along by a master teacher, emerges from the experience well informed and empowered.