Excavate: Unearthing Artistic Skeletal Remains
..Jinxi Caddel’s Excavate: Unearthing Artistic Skeletal Remains – Hardback Cover.. .If you’re looking for cranial-themed inspiration, .Excavate: Unearthing Artistic Skeletal Remains. has 400 pages of artistic interpretations, designs, and styles. Rich Pineda’s artwork is featured on the cover and the work of over 700 world renowned artists can be found on the inside. .Excavate. is a collaborative project between Out of Step Books and Art Collective Magazine that examines a variety of creative mediums devoted to the skull and skeleton. It was written, edited, and curated by Jinxi Caddel.. ...Specifications:... . .Dimensions: 8.5” x 11”; 1.5” thick. .Hardback cover. .400 pages, over 700 contributing artists. .Includes a variety of creative mediums – tattoos, paintings, graffiti, textile art, etc..