The End of Days: The Shocking Truth About The Times In Which We Live
Are we in the last days? Is the Antichrist already in our midst? What does the Word of God say about this generation? Apart from the question of salvation, these may be the most important questions any believer needs to ask. Knowing the "times and the seasons" is a mandate we must all obey, lest we be caught off guard, not tending to our Master's work. Yet, most books, teaching series, and movies are incomplete, and some are just plain wrong. In this eye-opening, paradigm-shattering book, author Sean Edwards sheds some much needed light onto these questions.
This step-by-step study of the scriptures takes you through the Bible and prepares you for what is to come. You'll study powerful portions of the Word of God, like...
- Matthew 24
- The Book of Daniel
- The Book of Revelation
- And much more...
This is revelation the church needs today. Don't be caught unprepared, take a bold step into a new understanding of the world around you. Read The End of Days: The Shocking Truth About The Times In Which We Live.