Young men today have examples of everything in front of them from rap stars to professional athletes and more. However, unfortunately young men do not always have examples of "devoted" Christian men to follow and look up to. In fact there are more negative examples for our young men to follow in society than positive ones. This 31-day devotional is designed to show young men examples of "devoted" men from no other place than God's Word. The Bible is full of several men who were "devoted" to God in almost every situation. During this 31-day journey not only will young men learn about great examples of "manhood" from the Bible but they will also be encourage to "Live it out". In the "Live it out" section they will be pushed to put into practice TODAY the principle or lesson from the "devoted" man that they read about. It is our prayer that every young man that reads this devotional for the full 31 days and puts the lessons into practice will start to live a "devoted" life of their own, which is focus on God. Are you ready to be "devoted" for God? Great turn to the front and lets get started today!!!