An Uncommon Vocabulary (3rd edition)
There are two activities in life that are essential to one’s happiness. The first is to have one’s day (to explore, engage and enjoy life), and the second is to say one’s say (to say the words that one needs to say). “An “Uncommon Vocabulary” is an A to Z book of common and uncommon words and phrases that are described in a manner better suited to them in the opinion of the author. The concepts described herein are working definitions, definitions that can be brought to mind to facilitate one’s thinking and actions within a given set of circumstances. When a working definition (a word or phrase with a personally ascribed meaning) is properly occasioned (brought to mind at the appropriate time and in the appropriate circumstances), advantageous effects flow from it. In this way, one’s personal narratives (descriptions and prescriptions) are made richer and more rewarding, and one becomes more coherent and positive in dealing with everyday events.