Taoist Internal Alchemy: An Anthology of Neidan Texts
CONTENTS (Texts marked with an asterisk are integrally translated)
1. The Seal of the Unity of the Three (Cantong qi)
2. (*) The Hidden Agreement (Yinfu jing), with comm. by Yu Yan
3. Mirror for Compounding the Medicine (Ruyao jing), with comm. by Wang Jie
4. The Transmission of the Dao from Zhongli Quan to Lü Dongbin (Zhong-Lü chuandao ji)
5. Awakening to Reality (Wuzhen pian), by Zhang Boduan
6. (*) Four Hundred Words on the Golden Elixir (Jindan sibai zi), attr. to Zhang Boduan, with comm. by Peng Haogu
7. Pointers to the Mystery (Zhixuan pian), by Bai Yuchan
8. Model Images of the Golden Elixir (Jindan faxiang), by Weng Baoguang
9. Questions and Answers on the Golden Elixir (Jindan wenda), by Xiao Tingzhi
10. (*) Fifteen Essays to Establish the Teaching (Chongyang lijiao shiwu lun), by Wang Zhen (Wang Chongyang)
11. The Harmony of the Center (Zhonghe ji), by Li Daochun
12. The Great Essentials of the Golden Elixir (Jindan dayao), by Chen Zhixu
13. (*) Rectifying Errors for the Seekers of the Golden Elixir (Jindan jiuzheng pian), by Lu Xixing
14. Principles of the Conjoined Cultivation of Nature and Existence (Xingming guizhi)
15. The Secret of the Golden Flower (Jinhua zongzhi)
16. Discriminations on Difficult Points in Cultivating Reality (Xiuzhen biannan), by Liu Yiming
Index of Main Terms
Glossary of Chinese Characters
Works Cited