I Had My Baby!: A Pediatrician s Essential Guide to the First 6 Months (What Now?)
Bringing your newborn home can be exciting, challenging—and downright scary! The questions pop up immediately: What are all those flakes on my baby’s head? My baby snorts when breast-feeding—is this OK? I’m so tired. When can I hope to get my baby into a sleep routine so I can get some rest?
To ease your worries and to shepherd you through the crucial breaking-in period, Lesson Ladder has teamed up with Dr. Rob Lindeman—an experienced, Ivy-League-educated, practicing pediatrician—to create a concise, user-friendly, and reassuring guide that covers the core topics of new parenthood.
From learning what to expect during those first minutes in the hospital through your baby’s first 6 months, Dr. Rob unveils the basics of baby behavior: Establishing a new life routine, keeping your baby healthy, feeding and sleeping issues, and more! Most of all, Dr. Rob shows you not only how to take care of your little one…but, that you are more than capable of doing so!