The New Ses Application 2nd Ed: Writing the Traditional Ecqs and the New Five-Page Senior Executive Service
Fantastic for busy executives the Top Ten List of Accomplishments approach to writing 10-page narrative ECQs is popular, friendly, and approachable and results in impressive and on-point leadership stories. Executives enjoy writing their Top Ten, and they can write their Top Ten in a couple of hours or less. Features include:
Clearly describes government Senior Executive Services (SES) applications
Practical, hands-on guide with charts, illustrations, and application samples
Learn how to convert a two-page executive resume into the both the traditional SES application format and the five-page SES federal resume that supports the Executive Core Qualifications and the 28 Leadership Competencies
Includes all the key steps involved in the Senior Executive Service application: writing the Traditional ECQs, Technical Qualification narratives, five-page SES federal resume, and Executive Cover Letter for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Covers the required OPM format for the SES written narratives: Challenge-Context-Action-Results (CCAR)