Healing Prayer: Practical Mysticism and St. Ignatius' Spiritual Excerises
Our world, often more than it realizes, has a crying need for healing. This book tries to discern the problem before something falls apart, or even crashes. Such an aid to all people provides healing, not just for the needed individual, but also for our society and culture. Healing Prayer is a necessary aid to all who guide others into a life of prayer. It is especially meant for spiritual directors and pastors. The first four chapters describe personal experiences of healing mystical prayer from women and men who have reflected upon their time praying through the Spiritual Exercises, a spiritual classic authored by St. Ignatius Loyola. The remaining chapters discuss the implications of healing prayer, practical mysticism, everyday prayer and discernment, Ignatian spiritual direction, and more. With the hope of encouraging regular biblically-based prayer, this work invites both general readers and pastoral leaders into personal reflection that can enhance their understanding of discernment and healing as spiritual gifts.