God's Brilliant Plan
After 25 years of success in both ministry and business, I was now experiencing external failure and internal meltdown. The foundation of everything I believed about myself and about God was being shaken, and I was in the middle of the most painful, embarrassing season of my life. And no amount of prayer and fasting could stop it. This became the catalyst for the greatest discovery of my Christian life and it drove me into an all-consuming search to find the 'Easy and Light' life Jesus promised. With these words, Mark begins describing the 'perfect storm' of circumstances that drove him to depression and despair. After five years of agony, he found himself in the midst of an inexplicable encounter with God. For seventeen days the very foundation of Mark's life was torn out and then rebuilt with a new understanding of what it means to experience 'Christ in me, the hope of glory' And everything changed! Mark's transparent and disarming description of his journey has given hope and brought transformation to people from every walk of life. As a fellow seeker, you may finally choose to resign from the 'Promise Makers' Club and start experiencing the easy and light life Jesus wants for you. Then you may find yourself empowered to help others discover this amazing life of grace!