Reflections on Risk
The ASA Institute for Risk and Innovation has gathered 22 research notes focused on operational risk and written primarily by the institute's research associates. The collection is divided into four sections: business practices, business preparedness, business security, and emerging trends. The collection is introduced by Annie Searle, author of "Advice From A Risk Detective" (Tautegory Press, 2011), who also wrote three of the research notes. From the back cover: “Annie Searle, with support from her colleagues, leverages her expansive knowledge to compile a thought-provoking overview of business continuity planning and operational risk considerations. “Reflections on Risk” looks at the often neglected considerations and necessary controls that organizations of all sizes should consider in order to be more secure and resilient. This is particularly important at a time of rapid change and expanding use of information technology.” --John Carlson, Executive Vice President, BITS “The apprenticeship opportunities that Searle’s firm provides graduate students has produced a volume of notes that adds to the broader discourse around operational risk.” -- Simon Beckett, Publisher, Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning