Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening (Lakshmanjoo Academy Book Series)
Shiva Sutras:The Supreme Awakening• Includes free downloadable audio of original lectures.• A collection of 77 aphorisms that form the foundation of Kashmir Shaivism.• The version herein contains the commentary of the 10th century philosopher and mystic Kshemeraja ,and is revealed to us by the fully realized master Swami Lakshmanjoo.The Shiva Sutras, gifted by God to the sage Vasugupta for the upliftment of humanity, is one of Kashmir Shaivism's most important and revered texts. Swami Lakshmanjoo gives the reader a penetrating vision of the glorious journey of the Supreme Awakening; the traveling from limited individuality to absolute oneness with God. Basing his rendering on the esoteric commentary of Abhinavagupta's chief disciple Kshemaraja and drawing on his own experience, Swami Lakshmanjoo shows us the way home.