Your Financial Mastery: Financial Literacy for the Real World
Designed to quickly integrate financial literacy into the college classroom, the Your Financial Mastery curriculum enables instructors to easily facilitate student learning using step-by-step instructions, to establish the essential personal finance competencies necessary for students to achieve lifelong financial wellness.
Using a highly interactive “flipped classroom” model, the innovative curriculum meets all Financial Education Core Competencies set by the Department of Treasury for Financial Literacy as well as all personal finance benchmarks set by the Institute of Financial Literacy.
Textbook topics include:
- Budgeting & Banking
- Financial Statements
- Credit, Credit Cards & Debt
- Personal Loans, Automobiles & Home Ownership
- College Funding & Investing Basics
- Bonds, Stocks, Mutual Funds & Other Investments
- Real Estate & Entrepreneurship
- Retirement Planning & Insurance
- Taxes and much more
The learning experience is enhanced by a powerful online companion website with student and administrator resources supporting this financial literacy textbook / workbook. Articles, calculators, printable exercises and tests, infographics, and videos reinforce each personal finance topic and further promote engagement and interaction within and outside the classroom. The companion website accompanies the Your Financial Mastery: The Instructor's Guide (purchased separately; please contact Jennifer Kelly at
This groundbreaking curriculum is the collaborative outcome of iGrad, the financial literacy platform that recently won the prestigious Educational Program of the Year Award (EIFLE), and best-selling authors Sharon Lechter (Rich Dad, Poor Dad series) and Angela Totman of Pay Your Family First!
Editorial Reviews
My students loved it! One excellent outcome was that the class facilitated needed dialog with our students.
Bryant Anderson
Senior Director of Student Services
Illinois College of Optometry
"Financial literacy is an important topic that has gained much attention in recent years due to national economic concerns, escalating college costs, and increased student borrowing. iGrad is an excellent financial literacy resource that can be easily integrated into high school and/or post-secondary course curriculum, workshops, and career education."
Ron Radney
Director of Financial Aid
Calfornia State University, Bakersfield
"I am impressed with the depth and breadth of the topics and coverage of the book. I am confident that anyone using this book will be far better prepared for their financial futures as a result."
Scott B. Johnson
Program Coordinator
Illinois Online Network, University of Illinois
iGrad is an educational partner to more than 600 college and universities nationwide, providing a financial literacy platform that connects more than 1.2 million students, alumni and staff. iGrad has won several awards for its innovative and highly effective approach to financial literacy.
- 2013 Outstanding Consumer Information Award, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education
- 2013 Education Program of the Year, The Institute for Financial Literacy
- 2014 Best Product, University Business magazine
- 2015 University of Illinois adopts the Your Financial Mastery textbook for 8-week facilitator led financial literacy teacher certification course
- 2015 “Education Program of the Year” Excellence in Financial Literacy Education (EIFLE) Award for Your Financial Mastery Curriculum