The Code: A Man's Rules for Living Life, Having Fun, and Getting Dressed
In the current cultural narrative of rules for behavior and interaction, The Code is a refreshing examination of the guidelines that can keep young men from making mistakes. Even when the consequences of those mistakes may not become relevant or public for years. The Code is an indispensable collection of honorable rules to live by. Boys will read and learn from it. "Guys" should be guided by these rules to become men. Men should give it as gifts to those who can still use a little extra help. Women should read it to see the world through a man's eyes. It is written with a pleasing mix of reasoned argument and personal anecdotes, intelligent language and good humor, and a feminine perspective on each of the rules which add depth to the conversation. The Code is a refreshing change from a culture in which values and ethical stances are routinely dumbed down to five-second sound bites and bumper-sticker slogans.