Responsibility Reborn: A Citizens Guide to the Next American Century
John Andrews RESPONSIBILITY REBORN: A Citizen s Guide to the Next American Century, is perfectly timed as conservatives ask themselves, What next, after the gains of 2010 and look to the battles of 2012. His theme -- the understanding of individual responsibility, personal freedom and the role of law in protecting both -- has been at the center of American democracy since the Founding. Unfortunately, today most Americans cannot articulate the fundamental precepts of our republic nor its philosophical and legal underpinnings. The former Colorado state senator and presidential speechwriter's new book strikes at the heart of this failure and emphasizes the danger government poses to a citizenry ignorant of its responsibilities. Particularly at a moment when personal liberty is giving way to an ever-expanding government, Mr. Andrews book will resonate with a wide audience that must take an active and self reliant role in shaping our future. As we approach the 2012 elections Responsibility Reborn will provide a key foundation as you weigh critical issues and evaluate the candidates that will set the course the next American century. Responsibility Reborn is a must read for those Americans passionate about maintaining our founding values and our exceptional and unique role in the world.