The Cyclops Revenge: A Jason Rodgers Novel
In the two years since the near-devastating events at the shipyard in Newport News, Virginia, pharmacist Jason Rodgers has tried to exorcise his demons and cultivate a peaceful existence with his son Michael and his true love Christine Pettigrew. But the past is not easily washed away. Revisiting him in a vengeful and devastating way, Rodgers latent ghosts rise up once more. In THE CYCLOPS REVENGE, Delilah Hussein, reborn and reloaded, the vindictive and resourceful matriarch of an ultra-secret organization resurfaces wielding retribution aimed at Rodgers and prepared for another blow to America.Rodgers and his family become locked in a mortal struggle with one of the world's most ruthless villains. It is a struggle that will catapult Rodgers from the quiet streets of a working-class city in Virginia to the power laden halls of Washington and the islands of the Caribbean. Rodgers is faced with the prospect of losing that which he holds most dear. He will be tested in ways never imagined. And the course of his life will be forever altered. Filled with breathtaking turns of plot, sophisticated prose and populated with a remarkable cast of characters, THE CYCLOPS REVENGE is the most explosive thriller of the year; a searing tale of vengeance, sacrifice, courage and love. This sequel to the national bestseller The CYCLOPS CONSPIRACY is David Perry's best novel yet.